Showing posts with label Baby H. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baby H. Show all posts

July 19, 2016

Sometimes Life Runs Faster Than You

Yet again I have let my blog get away from me. It has been a month since I last posted. It is hard work running a family and a business and sometimes it can all become a bit too much. I do wish I had kept up with this blog though over the last 1-2 years as so much has happened that I could have been writing about, however one must not dwell on the past and instead look into the future and think of all the things to come.

Looking on the bright side has become a mantra of sorts with our family of late, as we start dealing with some possible medical outcomes that will change our sons life forever. We are currently awaiting on multiple hospital appointments to check on our sons development. One appointment is because he has been dropping percentiles when it comes to his growth (length/height) since he was born and has recently started dropping into the 9th percentile for someone of his age (he's approximately the height of a one year old but is the almost two years old). Another appointment we are waiting on is to check his development/behaviour as a whole as there is a possibility he has ASD/Asperger's. We are hoping that an early diagnosis will mean a greater outcome for him in the long run especially as he enters the schooling system. The final appointment we are waiting on is a Speech Language Therapist appointment to check on his eating, biting, drinking from a cup and talking due to his tongue tie and also to confirm him as non-verbal due to the possible ASD/Asperger's. He just does not talk. I will no doubt have multiple posts of our journey through all of this.

A lot is happening behind the scenes, although it might not look like it when you visit, I am currently making all new graphics, headers etc so that I can easily switch the blog over for re branding. 

As I mentioned in my clean slate post, we have moved house three times in the last year and currently we are living with DH's parents in their house. This is hard work, and no doubt will be a very common topic in my posts ahead. 

With the birth of our son and our family dropping down to one income earner, I opened a new business Hewie - Baby & Mum specialising in quality products for my baby and mum at pocket friendly prices. I stock products that I find/found difficult to find or that were priced out of my reach. 
Make sure to check out our website and our Facebook page

When If things start dying down around here, I may be able to transfer everything in the blog over sooner then I'm hoping for. Otherwise just keep checking back in here to see if the re branding has been completed and while you're around make sure to read any posts I've popped up. 

June 4, 2016

Clean Slate....

Wow! I aplogise my lovely readers, I have been slack! My last post was way back in July 2014.
A lot has happened since then....

  • I have had a baby  who is now a thriving 19 month old
  • We have moved house three times - more on that later 
  • I have launched my own business! - I will dedicate a whole post to that'
  • Plus the usual celebrations, sadness, weddings...the list goes on!

Keep an eye on the blog, over the next few weeks I will refresh the look, update things and start dedicating more time to post updates and small snippets of our life.

September 24, 2014

What I Packed For The Hospital ~ For Me ~

Currently I am 38 weeks pregnant, and so far everything is going well. I'm still considered high risk but my midwife, obstetrician and maternity physician are all safely saying I will make it to 40 weeks. While this is great news, I have decided to go with the 'what if he comes early scenario?' so the second step after making sure we have everything ready in his nursery is to pack for the hospital. (I have been officially packed ready for the hospital since I was approx 30 weeks).

After Googling many different packing lists, ready numerous blog posts and forums and watching countless videos I think I have come up with a list of everything to pack that is relevant to myself and giving birth in a public hospital in New Zealand.

I am making sure that everything I pack works for both a natural birth or a cesarean section birth as I currently do not know what will happen. Also keep in mind, sadly I will not be transferring to Birthcare after the birth as I am required to stay in hospital for approx 3-5 days due to needing a pain pump machine for my Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD) and to see if I suffer from Inter-cranial Hypertension post birth (I suffered from this during my second trimester).

Below is everything that I have packed to take with me to the hospital, remember everyone is different and likes different things for comfort. Leave a comment below letting me know what you took, or are taking.

Tri-Pillow & Case - Everything I read recommended taking my own pillow with me to the hospital to make it more comfortable. I have decided to take my tri-pillow with me as it can play double duty. First it is a great pillow to use to prop me up in bed to make it more comfortable but it can also be used as a breastfeeding pillow (as baby grows I can also use it to prop him up).
Maternity Bra - An essential for any woman even if you don't plan on breastfeeding, as they will give you the much needed support you'll require.
Soft Sports Bra - Throughout the course of my pregnancy I have found soft sports bras the perfect bras to sleep in. There's no under wire digging into you anywhere, they're super comfy as they 'mold' so to speak to your breasts shape and they're super soft. I have also found the ones I have to be quite 'movable' (easy to pull down to gain access to the breast for breastfeeding).
Nighty - I picked up a great 'granny' nighty from our local Kmart (similar to Target and Walmart). It has three buttons down the front which allow me easy access for breast feeding but it is also nice enough that I won't mind being seen in it by visitors or have my photo taken in it. It will also make a nice change from hospital gowns. I chose a nighty over pyjamas for the simple fact of if I have to have a c-section I have heard that not only does the band of pyjama bottoms rub against your wound, it can also be hard to bend to pull down and up pants, hence a nighty is super simple and easy.
Robe - This is not a necessity but I thought it would be something I might like to have. It will keep me warm while also giving me some added privacy for when I'm up and about and walking throughout the hospital.
Trackpants - with roll top waist band.
Loose fitting breast feeding tops - I am only taking one of these with me to pair with my track pants once I feel like getting 'dressed' so to speak. Otherwise I plan on wearing a hospital gown to birth in and for the first few hours post birth, then my 'granny' nighty.
Nipple Cream - I am taking Bepanthan. This cream doubles as both my nipple cream and my nappy cream.
Breast Pads - I am taking 4 pairs of disposable breast pads and also 2-3 pairs of reusable breast pads. I don't know if my milk will come in while I am in the hospital but I am currently leaking colostrum so regardless I will be needing them.
Toiletries - shampoo, conditioner, deodarant, toothpaste, toothbrush, hairbrush, hairties and clips, body wash, moisturiser
Maternity Pads - My hospital does supply maternity pads, but I am also taking 1 pack myself and also a couple of Night Time pads.
Light weight cardy - Just a light weight throw on type pullover (cardy), something that will keep me warm while still allowing me to breast feed easily.
Notebook & Pen - the nurses, midwives and doctors are going to tell you a lot of information and tips most of which you will not remember in post birth haze. A notebook and pen will allow you and your partner to take notes to refer to when you get home.
Camera & Spare Battery - A must for capturing all those special first moments with your bundle of joy. I am also packing a spare battery just in case.
Phone & Charger - A must for everyone, it's a great way to keep in touch with friends and family while in the hospital. Also great for letting people know when your special one has arrived.
Wheat bag -
Lip Balm - I suffer from extremely dry lips, ever since I had braces as a teenager, so I am taking both a tube balm type lip balm and also Lucas' Pawpaw Ointment for when I really need good coverage.
Flannel (wash cloth) - This is so that I can wash my face to make myself feel better (hospitals can make you feel quite gross even when all you're doing is just lying there) and also for use in the shower.
Luxury Toilet Paper - I kid you not, our hospital has the grossest thinnest toilet paper imaginable. I will be taking a roll (or two) of luxurious 3 ply soft toilet paper for post birth comforts.
Stress Ball - I have a very high pain tolerance for which I am extremely grateful, the way I like to manage my pain so as not to need pain killers is to distract myself so to speak from the pain itself. Usually by reading, talking, just allowing myself to block the outside world out and also squeezing a stress ball. This may also help save the Hubby's hands while I'm in labour as well.
Snacks - I am taking some mixed nuts, muesli bars and Up & Go Breakfast drinks with me. These will give me sustenance as needed post baby when breastfeeding etc.
Water Bottle - An easy quick way to keep my fluids up while in labour and in the hospital in general as I find sipping water from a bottle an easy way to take in lots of fluids without really realising it.
Maxi Dress - This is mainly for coming home. I will have the Hubby bring this in to me closer to when I will be discharged.
Granny Undies - I just picked up some basic cheap black underwear from The Warehouse. I got 5 in a packet for $6 so I do not mind one bit if at the end they go in the rubbish. I made sure to get ones that would go nicely over any c-section wound.


Magazines - This is both an entertainment factor for my husband and myself. Hospitals can be very boring places even if you do have a newborn baby. But there will be times when baby is asleep and/or not with you.
Tablet & Charger - I have decided to take my tablet in with me to the hospital as its very versatile. Both my husband and I can read e-books on it, we can surf the internet and play games together. We have also loaded it up with movies to watch.
Playing Cards - The Hubby and I are great game players both card and board. We will probably take a couple of our favourite card games - UNO and Skip Bo. This is a great way to pass the time while we wait for my labour to progress and also a nice distraction from any pain. They will also come in handy once baby is here for when we just need something to pass the time while I am still in hospital.

For Hubby

Hubby will have the ability to go home and freshen up while myself and baby stay in hospital. But just in case we have decided to pack a few basics for him.
Deodorant, toothbrush, socks, t-shirt, jumper, change for vending machines.

What I Packed For The Hospital ~ For Baby ~

Currently I am 38 weeks pregnant, and so far everything is going well. I'm still considered high risk but my midwife, obstetrician and maternity physician are all safely saying I will make it to 40 weeks. While this is great news, I have decided to go with the 'what if he comes early scenario?' so the second step after making sure we have everything ready in his nursery is to pack for the hospital. (I have been officially packed for baby since I was approx 30 weeks).

Unlike when it came to deciding what to pack for myself, I did not use google or blog posts or forums to decide what to pack for baby. Instead I used the knowledge of my mother :) She has been there done that twice now so she has some experience when it comes to this kinda stuff.

On her recommendations, below is everything that I have packed to take with me for baby to the hospital, remember everyone is different and different hospitals supply different things. Leave a comment below letting me know what you took, or are taking.

Wrap - Just a basic cotton wrap that I was given by a friend at our baby shower. This can be used to wrap baby, as a light weight blanket or a nursing cover the possibilities are endless.
Blanket - I have packed a heavier blanket just in case extra warmth is needed, although they do like to keep the maternity ward at my hospital quite warm for all the little newborns. It may come in hand when transporting baby home though.
Wipes - My hospital does not supply wipes while you are there. I am taking a small packet of generic baby wipes.
Nail Clippers  - I read somewhere online that taking nail clippers with you can be a good idea as some babies can be born with quite long nails and the hospital will not cut them for you.
Nappy Cream - I am taking Bepanthan. This cream doubles as both my nappy cream and my nipple cream.
Flat Nappy - This is an 'old school' style flat nappy. These can be so handy for all sorts of different things - burp cloths, wraps, blankets.
Dummy - Obviously we don't know if our little baby will like dummies (pacifiers) or if they're a thumb sucker or if they just don't prefer anything. But I figured it wouldn't hurt to take one with us just in case, better to have it and not need it then need it and not have it.
Nappies - My hospital does supply disposable nappies while we are there. I am taking 3 disposable nappies with me, these are mainly for our trip home from the hospital you never know what might happen. We do plan on using cloth nappies once we are home and have the hang of the whole parenting and baby thing.
Layette Stuff - hats, mittens, gowns, onesies, cardigan, socks, booties

Going Home Outfit - I will be getting my husband to bring in one of two going home outfits we have chosen once the time comes. We chose two outfits in two different sizes to be baby's coming home outfit, once we have an idea of baby's size, the Hubby will bring in the appropriate one once its time to go home. This means that I will not be carting things into the hospital when I'm in labour that I do not need until a later date.
Car Seat - We have decided to not use a capsule for baby and instead have opted for a convertible car seat. This is mainly for safety reasons (capsules have been found to be unsafe for babies for long periods of time, they can also lead to 'lazy parenting' whereby baby is not handled enough by parents) and also for savings, a convertible car seat will last us longer. The car seat will be installed in my car, which is also to be the family car, ready for when baby can come home.

March 24, 2014

Coming Soon

We are expecting our first child!! :)

We are very exciting and can't wait to see what is in store for us as parents.
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