Showing posts with label Football. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Football. Show all posts

November 24, 2013

Vacation Recap: Wellington {All Whites vs Mexico FIFA 2014 Qualifier}

Warning! This post is a picture only collage of our trip to Wellington. 

This trip was mainly to watch the All Whites vs Mexico FIFA 2014 World Cup Qualifier game on Wednesday night. But we also managed to squeeze in two full days down there, which we used to explore the city and play tourist. 

Fact: Wellington is New Zealand's capital city and home to our government and parliament buildings. 


Complimentary voucher at the hotel  ~  First Christmas Starbucks {Toffee Nut Soy Latte}  ~  Oops, someone set the smoke alarms off at the hotel.

Museum Of New Zealand - Te Papa 
Museum Of New Zealand - Te Papa
Guidelines for Mothers in the 1920's

Wellington Cable Car

All Whites vs Mexico FIFA 2014 World Cup Qualifier Match held at Westpac Stadium

The Beehive & Government Buildings  ~  Reserve Bank of New Zealand Museum

May 4, 2013

1 week later....

I'm starting to get good at this whole blogging more often thing (if you think twice a week apart is good).
I think if I continue to blog every Saturday morning while at my Saturday job I should become a much more regular blogger. But we'll see how it really goes :)

This week has been pretty uneventful, I had a walk-in for Air New Zealand on Thursday evening for a job as an air steward (flight attendant) on their Trans-Pacific Region flights (Pacific Islands, Australia and Domestic NZ). Figures crossed I get a call back.

Not much is happening this weekend to write home about, Shaun is also working today (his one Saturday a month role as part of his job); he's also playing football this afternoon, an actual home game which will be nice for him and his team. Nothing exciting happening tomorrow, probably just a quick trip to the shops to buy mother's day presents and pirate costumes for a 5th birthday party we are attending next weekend (will definitely put photos and a blog post up about that). Oh we're also going to the in-laws (Shaun's folks) house for dinner Sunday night which should be nice, haven't seen them for a couple of weeks.

Other than that nothing to report on here, Shaun and I are both well still trying to get the wheels in motion for a Welcome Home Loan so we can purchase our first house together and also I am still trying to find a job 12 months after being made redundant. Keep us in your prayers as we try and fulfill both things - us a mortgage and me a job.


April 27, 2013

It's been a month...

Wow! I can't believe it's been almost a month since I last posted on this thing. Talk about lazy!
I have no idea where this month has gone, it's not even like we've been mega busy (okay, maybe we have been).

So far this month we have....gone to Sheep World, I have helped out my sister launch her business at The Grand Wedding Show {check her out here!}, applied for a mortgage to buy our first house {fingers crossed we get approved!}, Shaun has started up winter football season with Birkenhead United Football Club, Shaun and his team mates hosted a quiz night fundraiser to help pay for their fees, this weekend we're house sitting for Shaun's brother Chris, oh and we have a birthday party/bbq to go to tonight.

So maybe this month has been kinda busy, here's hoping next month will be more relaxed. Although so far it's shaping up to be just as busy with birthdays, mother's day, house auctions and me sitting my restricted licence, finally!.


August 6, 2012

Weekend Sports

Every weekend Shaun plays football for the local club around the North Shore and West Auckland. Every weekend I go along and support him and the team.

This week was no exception. Thankfully though the weather was gorgeous, beautifully sunny and a just a tad cold. Hopefully this means the last month of Winter and the beginning of Spring will be nice this year.

Here are a few photos of Shaun and the team for you to enjoy :)

Getting ready to leave the house. 

Don't you love his bag :)

Few shots of them playing (Shaun plays in number 9).

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