Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts

July 19, 2016

Sometimes Life Runs Faster Than You

Yet again I have let my blog get away from me. It has been a month since I last posted. It is hard work running a family and a business and sometimes it can all become a bit too much. I do wish I had kept up with this blog though over the last 1-2 years as so much has happened that I could have been writing about, however one must not dwell on the past and instead look into the future and think of all the things to come.

Looking on the bright side has become a mantra of sorts with our family of late, as we start dealing with some possible medical outcomes that will change our sons life forever. We are currently awaiting on multiple hospital appointments to check on our sons development. One appointment is because he has been dropping percentiles when it comes to his growth (length/height) since he was born and has recently started dropping into the 9th percentile for someone of his age (he's approximately the height of a one year old but is the almost two years old). Another appointment we are waiting on is to check his development/behaviour as a whole as there is a possibility he has ASD/Asperger's. We are hoping that an early diagnosis will mean a greater outcome for him in the long run especially as he enters the schooling system. The final appointment we are waiting on is a Speech Language Therapist appointment to check on his eating, biting, drinking from a cup and talking due to his tongue tie and also to confirm him as non-verbal due to the possible ASD/Asperger's. He just does not talk. I will no doubt have multiple posts of our journey through all of this.

A lot is happening behind the scenes, although it might not look like it when you visit, I am currently making all new graphics, headers etc so that I can easily switch the blog over for re branding. 

As I mentioned in my clean slate post, we have moved house three times in the last year and currently we are living with DH's parents in their house. This is hard work, and no doubt will be a very common topic in my posts ahead. 

With the birth of our son and our family dropping down to one income earner, I opened a new business Hewie - Baby & Mum specialising in quality products for my baby and mum at pocket friendly prices. I stock products that I find/found difficult to find or that were priced out of my reach. 
Make sure to check out our website and our Facebook page

When If things start dying down around here, I may be able to transfer everything in the blog over sooner then I'm hoping for. Otherwise just keep checking back in here to see if the re branding has been completed and while you're around make sure to read any posts I've popped up. 

January 27, 2014

Happy Birthday Grandad!!


On the 13th December, it was my Grandfather's 90th birthday. 

Some of my family came over from Australia to help celebrate this momentous occasion. 

Here are a few pics from the day, along with a picture of myself and my Grandfather. 


Grandad & Myself

November 25, 2013

Happy Birthday Mum!!

Today is my Mum's birthday!!

Happy Birthday Mum!!

My mum has always been there for me no matter what, through good times and bad times, I always know that my Mum will always be there to lend a shoulder to cry on and share a laugh together with. 

Here's to many more birthday celebrations together. 

I wish you all the best for the next year, may all your birthday wishes come true. 

NB My mum will probably never read this post but I still thought it would be nice to put this up. 

November 23, 2013

The Big C! ~ Cancer ~

It's a very scary thing, even more so when someone close to you is diagnosed with it.

Prostate Cancer... it can affect anyone... your brother, your father, your grandfather, your uncle, your friend, your husband.

My darling father-in-law has just been diagnosed with Prostate Cancer.

Father-In-Law on our wedding day {10-11-12}

Of course he is hopefully set to make a full recover [once treatment gets underway], but it is still a very scary, emotional, upsetting thing to hear "I have Cancer".

How does one voice the feelings going through them; the sadness that it's cancer, that it's affecting someone so strong and fit, the elation that it could be much's a mixed bag that's for sure.

I have to be strong for my husband and his family but it does still affect me, he is after all my father-in-law and although we have never been close it still hits home that someone in my family has cancer.

If you met my father-in-law you'd find that he is a very proud man, he doesn't like to ask for help and doesn't share his feelings openly. So for him, this has got to be tough. He is going to have to learn to lean on us all, and ultimately swallow his proud and ask for help.

This journey will not be an easy one, it is going to rip at all of us but especially it will rip at my in-laws.

Helping us through the process is the fact the my in-law's have recently sold their house and are currently looking to buy closer into the city. They currently live about 40-60 minutes out in the country but are looking to move into the city. In fact the Hubby and I are hoping that they will be successful and purchase a house they have their eyes on which is near us (20-25 minutes drive from us), as that will help make this all easier if they are closer to us and also to the Hubby's brother and his partner.

Apologies if this post is a little jumbled, I just wrote it as I thought it.

I will probably blog more about this journey for our family, so keep an eye out for future posts.

Has anyone if your family ever been effected by Cancer? Share below.

November 10, 2013

Happy Anniversary: 1 Year of Marriage


1 Year ago today I married my best friend. 

It has been an amazing year for us - we have traveled together, started new jobs together & begun a new life journey together. 

There's been love, laughs and tears, but we've been their together through it all. 

I can't wait to see what our 2nd year of marriage has in store for us, but I know that it's already full of marvelous memories and extraordinary adventures together. 

Let's kick it off in style with our first adventures Melbourne & Wellington
... and ... 
hopefully our journey into the Air Force. 

October 5, 2013


Thought I would share this great article I found on a blog while browsing the internet.

It has some great tips for how to love your mother-in-law for those who are Christian or hold no faith.

I hope to one day have a great relationship with my mother-in-law.

And yes although I have been with her son for over 5 years now, our relationship is still one that is young and growing and needs lots of nurturing.

Hopefully I can take the advice from this article (and the comments left below it) and learn to love my mother-in-law in a different light.

Five Ways To Love Your Mother-In-Law

Comment below with any tips you have on nurturing your relationship with your own mother-in-law.

September 28, 2013

Weekend In Review

Slight delay on posting this blog fact a new weekend has begun and I still haven't posted it. Better late than never. Here you go, a review of last weekend. Make sure to look out for a review of this weekend in the coming week (I promise it won't be so delayed next time). Also keep an eye out for a new series I'm going to start called Tea Time, starting next week with my favourite tea flavour for the month of September. Enjoy!

Last weekend was one we dedicated to family and spending time together as a couple.

Saturday I of course had to work, but afterwards the hubby and I spent some together checking out a new shop in town T2. After finding this shop on my travel journeys in Melbourne in July with my sister, I am totally in love.
T2 is a loose leaf tea and tea gadget shop, it has everything you could ever dream of needing to make/store/drink tea. It also has a million tons of flavours. This was the hubby's first time experiencing the store (and I'm not sure he as in love with it as I am) but none the less we did walk away with a new flavour of tea. We decided to try French Earl Grey as we are both lovers of traditional Earl Grey tea, we thought this would be perfect to try. We already have Pumping Pomegranate flavour, which is delicious.
We both liked the flavour French Earl Grey had, a slight vanillary (is that a word?) vanilla flavour to it as well as coming across with quite a milky taste (this could have been my tea making skills at play there). All in all we decided it was a nice flavour but will be having it on occasion for a change as opposed to replacing our usual Traditional Earl Grey tea as our flavour of choice.
I like to brew our loose leaf tea using a Tea Maker (pictured below), it's especially great for when you only want to brew 1 cup of tea as opposed to a full tea pot of tea.
If you're ever in Auckland make sure to check out T2 Tea Shop located at 87-93 Queen Street, Auckland.

We also decided to play a little Skip Bo while we drank our tea :) 
The hubby won if you're wondering.

 The hubby also picked up the latest hot game out for Xbox 360 - GTAV (Gran Theft Auto Five). He spent the rest of his Saturday afternoon, checking it out.

Saturday night we went out for dinner with the hubby's parents for my Father-In-Law's birthday. We ate at Serengeti Restaurant in Murray's Bay. This place is amazing, they do fantastic ribs as well as many other delicious dishes. They are a taste of Africa restaurant. The meals are huge! And none of us managed to finish them, the in-law's took home the leftovers. Below are pictures of our meals (before eating them). Also some pics of us on the night :)

                                            ~My meal~                                                   ~Hubby's meal~
                   ~Mother-in-law's meal~                                     ~Father-in-law's meal!~

~ a few pics of the hubby ~

~ the in-law's~ 

~ me & the hubby~

Sunday was spent sleeping in and lazing around home, oh and also a bit of cleaning (what's a Sunday without some cleaning!). Sunday evening we went up to the in-law's for dinner, where we were joined by the hubby's brother C and his girlfriend S. The hubby also did a few chores to help out his parents. Pics below!

Here's a picture of the parent-in-law's cat Jazz just for show :)

September 10, 2013

My Life Currently

I have started noticing that during the week I don't do a whole lot. In fact you could say I'm a Nana. I'm usually always in bed by 9:00/9:30pm and I rarely hardly ever, okay who am I kidding, never go out on a week night (not even Friday nights).

Part of this will be because a lot of my friends have kids and/or work on Saturdays (including myself - working on a Saturday) and also because we are currently trying to save some money towards buying our first home and our holiday we're taking in November to Melbourne to celebrate our 1 year Wedding Anniversary.

Once the weekend rolls around we again don't do much, Saturday's I am working and the hubby is playing football which leaves little time to do much on those days. Saturday nights we occasionally go out but lately we have been staying in with a dvd and entertaining on the cheap. Sundays are usually what we like to call our errands day, we go shopping for anything we might need (presents, clothing, makeup - for me haha, any new season items or things we need for our room), we also use these days to visit my grandparents and see the hubby's parents. Occasionally we will meet up with friends and do something exciting.
Writing this post does make it sound like we don't do a whole lot, which I'll admit we don't, but it also sounds like we have no lives haha. Which is contrary to belief, but we do find that because we are currently living with my parents we don't do a whole lot. Because we don't currently have our own place, we can't exactly buy home items or do gardening etc and because we don't have kids we don't do activities a lot. Plus saving means we don't have a lot of splurge money to spend on expensive activities.

Lately all my weeknight activities have involved updating my blog design and making it look more professional. Updating my Facebook Fan Page (find it here!) to make it more streamlined with my blog. Oh and watching 7th Heaven online - I decided last week that I would watch every episode of 7th Heaven starting at Season 1 Episode 1 and ending with Season 11.

I do the above most nights except for Tuesday nights when I attend my night class, studying towards a Certificate in First Steps To Business and Wednesday nights when I have Family Home Evening with the local missionary sisters from my ward.

I have a couple of interesting things coming up over the next couple of weeks, and I'll make sure to remember to take my camera along with me so I can take a few photos to share with you all here :)

Until next time.... here's hoping my life becomes more interesting otherwise this blog might become very boring very quickly.

August 6, 2013


Way back at the beginning of July (I know I'm slack with this whole posting thing) sister and I went to Melbourne, Australia for a few days.

The trip was kind of a business trip (for her) and a shopping trip for me.

Here are a few photos from our time there :D


Wrapped against the cold, enjoying 
San Churro @ Harbourtown Shopping Centre

Tram in Melbourne 

San Churro!

We did a-lot of shopping

Cake shop in St Kilda - every 
second shop was a cake/pastry shop

T2 Tea Shop - my new favourite place

Yum Cha silver service style!

April 27, 2013

It's been a month...

Wow! I can't believe it's been almost a month since I last posted on this thing. Talk about lazy!
I have no idea where this month has gone, it's not even like we've been mega busy (okay, maybe we have been).

So far this month we have....gone to Sheep World, I have helped out my sister launch her business at The Grand Wedding Show {check her out here!}, applied for a mortgage to buy our first house {fingers crossed we get approved!}, Shaun has started up winter football season with Birkenhead United Football Club, Shaun and his team mates hosted a quiz night fundraiser to help pay for their fees, this weekend we're house sitting for Shaun's brother Chris, oh and we have a birthday party/bbq to go to tonight.

So maybe this month has been kinda busy, here's hoping next month will be more relaxed. Although so far it's shaping up to be just as busy with birthdays, mother's day, house auctions and me sitting my restricted licence, finally!.


January 8, 2013

House Sitting

For the last week we have been house sitting Shaun's brother and his girlfriend's house in Glenfield.
And looking after their two adorable smoochy kitties Domino and Louie.

It's been nice to get away from the hustle and bustle of 5 adults all living under the same roof and have some peace and quiet just the two of us (even if only for a week).

We've spent the week eating all our favourite foods, lounging out on the couch, watching movies, eating popcorn and just relishing each others company.

Unfortunately Shaun has had to return back to work after having a week off for Christmas/New Years which has left me all on my lonesome during the day until he gets home around 8pm.

Sadly tomorrow we have to head back to the folks house and back to the madness.

Fingers crossed everything works out at the bank, and we get the mortgage we need to buy my grandma's house :)


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