We have finally managed to find a campground/holiday park that has space over New Years!
As a family (myself, hubby, my parents and occasionally my sister) we like to go camping every year in Summer during the Christmas-New Year Holiday period. Generally we go after Christmas and come back in the new year sometime.
This year we decided that having a new little baby (approx 3 month old) would not stop us from going camping, it would just mean that sleeping arrangements would have to be adjusted to take into account a small baby. Therefore we decided that as usual Mum and Dad would take a powered site for their pop-top camper and the hubby and I would try to find a cabin in the same campground or holiday park. This would enable us to have an all weather sleeping arrangement which was more suitable to a small baby and we could make Mum and Dad's site the main camp for during the day and evenings.
Well trying to find somewhere that had both a powered site and a cabin available for the same dates was proving hard, and we were starting to have to come up with Plan B's and C's or scrapping the idea all together. That is until Dad found somewhere! And to top it off, we've been to this holiday park before and it is great! Designed with families in mind, it has everything we will need to enjoy a camping trip this year with baby.
We are heading to Bowentown near Waihi Beach in the Coromandal/Bay of Plenty and we can't wait!
We head off boxing day and get back to Auckland around the 3rd January.
I will be posting a recap of our camping trip along with how we packed for the trip with a baby and how we managed the small road trip to get to the holiday park.