One 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom unit/townhouse/house with a garage under $350 a week.
Is that too much to ask?
Apparently it is.
Who would have thought trying to find a house that will fit all our needs, within a certain price range would be so hard. Usually every time we decide to move houses a new house has popped up straight away that's perfect. This time however we are having no such luck. If by chance one does come up, we're battling against 4 or 5 other couples because these kind of places are so hard to come by.
We've tried everything, giving as much information as we can in the first email, letting it be known we're happy to sign a 6 month lease with option of renewal at the end and still nothing.
Not to mention, not being able to view some properties due to the timing of viewings and Shaun's shift work on Australia time.
It's starting to get to the point we're looking at the option of a flatmate/s. But most people we know are still living at home (for cheap), or are couples in their own places or couples in their own places with children (not that that would put me off living with people, well depending on the child :p)
On top of all of this, we also have our two much loved fur babies which makes finding places that are cat friendly even harder. A lot of landlords these days it seems, are against pets. Probably from previous tenants that have ruined the places with their lack of pet control/mothering. Yes! That's right folks, I put looking after pets in the mothering category. To me, they are just like me children and I will spoil them and love them till the ends of the earth and back (or until I have human children).
Any suggestions on how to find a great house for little money or how to find a great flatmate for our current place or a new place would be greatly appreciated. Cause right now, I'm starting to hate the idea of finding a new place.