Part of this will be because a lot of my friends have kids and/or work on Saturdays (including myself - working on a Saturday) and also because we are currently trying to save some money towards buying our first home and our holiday we're taking in November to Melbourne to celebrate our 1 year Wedding Anniversary.
Once the weekend rolls around we again don't do much, Saturday's I am working and the hubby is playing football which leaves little time to do much on those days. Saturday nights we occasionally go out but lately we have been staying in with a dvd and entertaining on the cheap. Sundays are usually what we like to call our errands day, we go shopping for anything we might need (presents, clothing, makeup - for me haha, any new season items or things we need for our room), we also use these days to visit my grandparents and see the hubby's parents. Occasionally we will meet up with friends and do something exciting.
Writing this post does make it sound like we don't do a whole lot, which I'll admit we don't, but it also sounds like we have no lives haha. Which is contrary to belief, but we do find that because we are currently living with my parents we don't do a whole lot. Because we don't currently have our own place, we can't exactly buy home items or do gardening etc and because we don't have kids we don't do activities a lot. Plus saving means we don't have a lot of splurge money to spend on expensive activities.
Lately all my weeknight activities have involved updating my blog design and making it look more professional. Updating my Facebook Fan Page (find it here!) to make it more streamlined with my blog. Oh and watching 7th Heaven online - I decided last week that I would watch every episode of 7th Heaven starting at Season 1 Episode 1 and ending with Season 11.
I do the above most nights except for Tuesday nights when I attend my night class, studying towards a Certificate in First Steps To Business and Wednesday nights when I have Family Home Evening with the local missionary sisters from my ward.
I have a couple of interesting things coming up over the next couple of weeks, and I'll make sure to remember to take my camera along with me so I can take a few photos to share with you all here :)
Until next time.... here's hoping my life becomes more interesting otherwise this blog might become very boring very quickly.